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Other Lives for the Desert
by Steve Nahaj

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Paperback, 255 pages, $14.95  /  First Published: March 30, 2016

Johan Nivens is a young filmmaker with unrelenting wanderlust and a penchant for adventure. When his Los Angeles lifestyle loses its luster, brought on by a waning relationship, demoralizing day job, and smoggy future, Johan enrolls to become a long-haul truck driver, careening across America on eighteen wheels in search of the answer to one question: What the hell am I doing?

In this prequel to Welcome to the Abyss, author Steve Nahaj weaves another coming-of-age tale of confusion, kicks, love, and yearning on the coiling highway of existence.

Welcome to the Abyss
by Steve Nahaj


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Paperback, 257 pages, $14.95  /  First Published: March 3, 2015

Johan Nivens has come to the end of his twenties and life looks messier than ever. Societal pressures have mounted, scorched his wits, and turned a relationship stale. After breaking up with his long-time girlfriend and moving back home to live with his father, Johan finds hope in a fiery new romance, but not without all the booze and confusion induced by a full restart.

Despite the love affair, Johan is haunted by his abandoned dreams and decides that it’s time to hit the road to seek concrete answers in an ultimate journey of self discovery. From Hollywood to the high peaks of Colorado, across the Atlantic to Paris, his adventure is narrated with humorous anecdotes and wholehearted introspection.